Pneumatic controller for industrial robot 工业机扑上用的气动控制器
It mainly consists of gas source, magnetic floater liquid level meter, pneumatic controller of magnetic induction, pneumatic control valve. 该装置主要由压力气源、磁浮子液位计、磁-气控制装置和气动调节阀等组成。
Flexible to use free programmable industrial robot pneumatic controller for industrial robot 自由程序多功能工业机扑工业机扑上用的气动控制器
Development and Research of the Pneumatic Servo Controller Hardware Based on DSP 基于DSP的气动伺服控制器硬件研究与设计
Research on Pneumatic Servo Position System based on Variable-gain Velocity Feed Forward Controller 基于变增益速度前馈的气动位置系统的研究
For the problem that moisture in pneumatic conveying drying is difficult to be stabilized, a dual-feedback control system composed of a soft-sensing model for moisture and an expert controller for nitrogen gas is put forward. 针对气流干燥过程水分难以稳定的问题,设计了一个由水分软测量模型和氮气专家控制器组成的双反馈控制系统。
A study of pneumatic PWM position servo system using a segment and variable bang-bang controller 分段变结构Bang-Bang控制器在气动脉宽调制位置伺服系统中的研究
A two-folded sliding modes approach of pneumatic muscle actuator ( PMA) position control system was proposed, and the controller was designed by using Lyapunov stability theory. 针对气动人工肌肉位置控制系统,提出了两层滑模的变结构鲁棒控制策略,控制器的推导基于李亚普诺夫稳定性理论。
Identification of Pneumatic Positioning System for Practical Controller Design 面向控制器设计的气动位置系统的实用模型辨识
Research on the Pneumatic Servo System Controller with Variable Structure Control 基于变结构控制的气动伺服系统控制器的研究
Design of Flexible Pneumatic Finger's Neural Network Controller Based on FPGA 基于FPGA的气动柔性手指的神经网络控制器设计
Research on Pneumatic Manipulator Controller Based on PC/ 104 基于PC/104总线的嵌入式气动机械手控制器研究
Design of the Pneumatic servo Position Controller based on DSP and Study on Experiment 基于DSP的气动伺服定位控制器的设计及实验研究
Research on design of the pneumatic position servo PID controller based on experiment data 从实验数据分析气动位置伺服PID控制器
Pneumatic manipulator parameter will change constantly, bring heavy difficulty very to design of the controller in the course of job. 气动机械手在工作过程中参数会不断发生变化,给控制器的设计带来很大困难。
In view of the high compressibility of air, the non-linearity of the pneumatic components and the pressure losses of the tool, a pressure controller based on fuzzy logic was designed in order to improve its pick and place capability. 考虑空气的可压缩性、气动元件的非线性和微夹的压力损失,为提高微夹的拾取和释放微粒的能力,设计了基于模糊PD的压力控制器。
Pneumatic position and force control by export controller 专家式控制器气动位置力复合控制研究
Finally, some air cylinder experiments are carried out to proved that the pneumatic controller is very practical. 最后,本文通过对气缸的实验证明了气动伺服控制器的实用性。
Simulation of Pneumatic Conveyance Process with Critical Wind Velocity by a Fuzzy Controller 临界风速气力输送模糊控制仿真
The paper described the hydraulic driven system, disc electrostatic spray gun, pneumatic controller, high-voltage electrostatic generator, paint supplier, IR stoving equipment and hanging-up chain system. 本文从液压驱动装置、圆盘式静电喷枪、气动控制箱、高压静电发生器、供漆装置、红外烘道和悬挂链等方面作了介绍。
For the first tune the pneumatic position digital servo controller is manufactured. This lays a steady foundation for the future application research. 在此基础自上,本文研制出了数字式气动位置伺服控制器,为今后的应用研究打下了坚实的基础。
This paper gives detailed introduction about the block eliminating technique in both gas controled and electricity controled pneumatic travel program control. It also describes the ap-plication of programmable controller in block elimination. 本文介绍气控气动行程程序控制技术,电控气动行程程序控制的消障技术,以及可编程控制器(PLC)在消障上的应用。
This paper presents an automatic control system for low pressure pneumatic conveyer of powder materials with a programmable controller as key part, and describes the hardware structure, software structure, control method and characteristics of the system. 本文介绍了一种以可编程序控制器为核心的粉料低压气体输送自动控制系统,并对系统的硬件结构、软件构成、控制方式及特点作了介绍。
Aiming at the lagging conventional electric control approach in positive pressure pneumatic delivery, a design philosophy using single chip programmable controller to control delivery system is presented in the article, which includes the hardware work principle and software realization for the whole control system. 针对目前正压气力输送采用传统电器控制方式陈旧落后的现象,介绍了一种采用单片机程控器方便地控制输送系统的设计方法和思路,包括控制系统的硬件工作原理和软件实现方法。
The paper analyses the operating process of each valve in pneumatic ash-conveying system, and gives an introduction to implementing the control of forced open and automatic shift of each valve through upper position computer by OMRON programmable controller. 分析了气力输灰系统中各阀门的工作过程,介绍了利用OMRON可编程控制器,实现了在上位机控制各阀门的强开与自动转换操作。
On these bases, we use pressure of air tightness as control variable, modeling pneumatic double diaphragm pump in grinding machine, and designed the controller. 在此基础上,以压缩空气的压力为控制变量,对研磨机中的气动双隔膜泵进行了建模,并设计了控制器。
As one of the most important attachment of pneumatic valves, the intelligence positioning controller can improve the performance of pneumatic valves in many aspects such as enhance controlling accuracy, increase flexibility and so on. It makes pneumatic-valves could better meet the requirements of industrial process control. 智能定位控制器作为气动阀门的主要附件之一,它可以改善气动阀门性能、提高控制精度以及增加控制灵活性等,使得气动调节阀能更好的满足工业过程控制的要求。
The results of experiment verify the feasibility of fuzzy logic in controlling the ABS controller. This method has certain reference value in the development of pneumatic ABS controller of medium vehicle. 实验验证了模糊逻辑控制在ABS控制中的可行性,为以后在中型汽车气压ABS控制器的开发方面有一定的参考价值。
The main contents contain the selection of the control system hardware and the design of the software, the mathematical model construction of pneumatic cylinder position servo system, the design of the fuzzy sliding-mode controller and so on. 主要包括控制系统硬件选择与软件设计、气缸位移伺服系统数学模型建立及模糊滑模控制器的设计等方面内容。
The performance of the controller is researched by simulation. The simulation results that the fuzzy sliding-mode controller has high stability to the parameter variation of the length of the pneumatic tube and the load and the fuzzy controller effectively decreases the system chattering are obtained. 最后,建立系统仿真模型,对控制器性能进行了仿真研究,得出了模糊滑模控制器对气管长度、负载等参数变化具有较强稳定性及模糊控制器具有较好的消振结果的结论。